Glory Academy Early Childhood and Primary School is registered with The Ministry of General Education to offer early childhood and primary education to the community.
It is Headed by the school manager and supported by lower and upper section coordinators. The school appreciates that students come from different backgrounds with different needs. Assessment is therefore administered to new students to ascertain their strengths and weaknesses. A school place is only offered in accordance with the assessment results.
Our intensive reading programme, mathematics awareness activities accompanied by other extra curricular activities such as swimming, music, ICT, education toursĀ French lessons and science fair make us an extraordinary school.
Over the years, we have helped to shape the lives of Lawyers, teachers, journalist and agriculturalist just to mention a few. Glory Academy Early Childhood and Primary school is a school that supports diversity, in origin and achievement. Our goal is to give every pupil the maximum competency each can achieve in the core curriculum. We help our students benefitĀ from the opportunities presented to them within and beyond their school life. Glory Academy is a member of the Private Schools and Colleges Association (PRISCA). This is an association which exists to enhance and compliment government efforts to provide quality education to the Zambian educational system.